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Bye, Bye, Biden

Hunter and Joe Biden President Joe Biden has left the room, leaving in his wake a disputed "legacy .”     The general agreement is tha t Biden ‘ s “ F arewell A ddress” to the nation – as well as much o f his administration – has been a flop, obvious to everyone but hardcore neo-progressives . Bi den's approval rating , after he was thrown out of the pr esidential plane by anxious Democrats no longer able to defend the ind efensible, is hovering around an abysmal 35%.       To take but one instance, the deal to release Hamas abductees for hundreds of Hamas terrorists is now a n imminent possibility only because of Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu’s aggressive war effo rt. Biden's earlier proposed break in Israel’s assaults o n its enemies in Gaza and Lebanon simply would have allowed the terrorist ene mies of Israel, all supported by Iran, to regroup . The explosion of Hamas phones was pure technological and infiltration genius. Israe...
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What to Do About Energy Prices

Lamont and CT General Assembly The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men / Gang aft agley, / An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain, / For promis’d joy! -- Robert Burns       There are only two ways to reduce the price of energy: 1) increase the supply of energy, and 2) reduce the demand for energy, always a questionable proposition. All things else being equal, energy demand in Connecticut is more or less a constant.     Reducing energy demand is a backhanded way of increasing supply. Fewer users of energy = an increase in the supply of energy without disturbing the curr e nt distribution balance through the addition of new energy suppliers. This arrangement suits lazy politicians of long standing, and energy companies of long standing that fear competition.     Bottom line: method 2) better suits prevailing energy companies , not a few dependent on grateful legislators, by restricting access to the market of energy producer s that might c...